Town Council. The work program

Town Council. The work program

Milan, June 2 2020 - The City Council will meet via video conference on Wednesday 3 June at 15 pm. After the immediate response questions (DRI), the work program includes the discussion of the following points:

Recognition of off-balance sheet debts pursuant to art. 194 paragraph 1 letter a) of the Consolidated Law on Local Authorities (TUEL), deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases falling within the competence of the Specialized Collection and Collection Directorate for a total of €69.408,76, relating to judicial orders relating to the area of ​​compulsory collection and fines of the Highway Code, received in the period 08/02/2020-10/03/2020.

Recognition, pursuant to art. 194, c. 1, letter. a), of Legislative Decree 267/00, of off-balance sheet debts deriving from the payment of legal expenses for n. 15 executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases followed by the Municipal Attorney's Office for a total of €45.823,46. The measure involves expense. 

Recognition of off-balance sheet debts pursuant to art. 194 paragraph 1 letter a) of the Consolidated Law on Local Authorities (TUEL), deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases under the jurisdiction of the Specialized Collection and Collection Directorate for a total of €64.870,45. The measure involves expense. 

Motions and agendas and continuation of topics left over from the previous session. 

The City Council will also meet on Thursday 4 June at 15pm. At the end of the free interventions of the councilors (ex art.30), which will last a maximum of one hour, the work program provides for the continuation of the topics left over from the previous session.

It will be possible to follow the session on the Portal of the Municipality of Milan by clicking on video advice link.



Updated: 02/06/2020