Town Council. The work program

Town Council. The work program

In Aula domani dalle 16:30, in apertura interventi liberi e domande a risposta immediata  Milan, May 15 2022 - Il Consiglio comunale si riunirà domani, lunedì 16 maggio, alle ore 16:30 a Palazzo Marino. Il Programma dei lavori prevede, per la prima ora e mezza, gli interventi liberi delle consigliere e dei consiglieri e le domande a risposta immediata.

Seguiranno una prima serie di mozioni e ordini del giorno e la modifica del Regolamento del Consiglio che prevede, nel giorno dell’adunanza, l’esposizione nel palazzo comunale della bandiera della Regione Lombardia insieme a quella del Comune di Milano, della Repubblica italiana e dell'Unione europea.

In chiusura, nuovamente mozioni e ordini del giorno e tre debiti fuori bilancio.    The session, which is scheduled to close at 20pm, can be followed on In common, la WebTvRadio del Comune di Milano e sulla pagina YouTube of the city council.

Motions and Agendas

Ordine del giorno: Proclamazione del Comune di Milano come zona di libertà per le persone LGBTQ+.   Motion: After-school nurseries and nursery schools.   Motion: Plaque at the place where the Ad Martyres Cemetery was (Piazza Sant'Ambrogio).     Motion: Recognition of memory of Milan Local Police officer Nicolò Savarino killed on duty on 12 January 2012.     Motion: Street sweeping service.     Motion: Extension to the “Area B” provision.     Motion: Protection and assistance for disabled and vulnerable Ukrainian refugees.     Motion: Problematic lack of parking in Via Caduti in Missione di pace.     Motion: Strengthening the Public Transport Protection Unit of the Local Police.     Motion: Traditional funfair of the Ambrosian carnival.     Motion: Closure of irregular nomad camps.     Agenda: Contrast and banning so-called reparative or conversion therapies.     Motion: Positioning of anti-parking bollards in the space in front of the ramp used by people with mobility difficulties to access the post office in Via Acerbi 34.      Motion: Redevelopment of the squares of the Bicocca district.      Agenda: Milan, a refuge city for the defense of human rights.      Motion: Problems relating to the safety of the Bruzzano district.     Motion: Measures aimed at promoting the inclusion and citizenship of transgender people.     Agenda: To guarantee a moment of reflection in the City Council at every civil solemnity.      Motion: Celebrations and plaque to Armida Barelli co-founder of the Catholic University.      Motion: Interventions aimed at restoring safety in the Gardens of Piazza Aspromonte and protecting the peace of the residents.      Agenda: To maintain the management of the southern Milan agricultural park in the metropolitan city.     Motion: Access to burial in the municipal cemetery of Baggio.      Agenda: Training for members of the Local Police of Milan.      Motion: Lack of safety and legality on the Benedetto Marcello, Scarlatti, Gaffurio, Petrella axis and neighboring streets.      Motion: Actions for the regulation of wild nightlife in Via San Maurilio, Piazza Borromeo, Via Valpetrosa, Via Torino, Via Vigna.   Delibera di modifica del Regolamento del Consiglio.   Motions and Agendas  Motion: Adhesion to the #datapercontare campaign promoted by Period think tank aps.   Motion: Award of honorary citizenship to the journalist Julian Assange and solidarity and awareness initiatives on the defense of freedom of information.   Agenda: Proposal to establish the caregiver register.  Motion: World Mental Health Day.   Ordine del giorno: sostegno alla riforma della cittadinanza e riconoscimento diffuso dei diritti.   Mozione: Istituzione dell’Autorità garante per i diritti della terza età”.   Ordine del giorno: Aggiornamento applicazioni e social Atm con dati reali accessibilità.   Motion: Contributions to micro and small businesses for inconveniences on the M4 construction site.   Motion: Awareness campaign to support city commercial activities.   Motion: Piazza Lavater - Modification of the renovation project during construction with the creation of a flowerbed with trees in the center of the square.   Motion: Road traffic measures in Via San Dionigi.   Motion: Creation of stripes regulating parking in via Leoncavallo and neighboring streets and use of the uncovered area between via Leoncavallo and via Fanfulla da Lodi as a car park.   Motion: Olona River. 


Updated: 17/05/2022