Town Council. The work program

Town Council. The work program

Milan, May 19 2019 - The City Council will meet tomorrow, Monday 20 May, at 16 pm. At the opening of the session there will be a commemoration of Father Maurizio Annoni. The work program will then include:
•    Proposed resolution concerning: Subrogation of the Director Pietro Tatarella, who has resigned. Validation of the election of Mr. Andrea Mascaretti;
•    Free speeches by councilors (ex art.21), for a maximum of one hour;
•    Motions and agendas;
•    Regulation regulating the participation of active citizens in the care, shared management and regeneration of urban common goods;
•    Recognition of off-balance sheet debts deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases followed by the Municipal Attorney's Office for a total of 58.747,06 euros, relating to judicial measures received in the period 01/03/2019 - 16/ 04/2019;
•    Amendment of article 28 letter. a) and letter j) of the Regulation for the application of the fee for the occupation of public spaces and areas.  

Updated: 19/05/2019