Town Council. Against genocides and for the defense of rights, the agenda was approved in support of Gariwo's proposals

Town Council. Against genocides and for the defense of rights, the agenda was approved in support of Gariwo's proposals

Establishment of an advisor, an annual report on genocides and an autonomous agency on human rights: the Chamber invites the Council to promote in Parliament the requests of the non-profit organization of the Garden of the Righteous in Milan

Milan, May 11 2021 – Appoint an Italian genocide advisor in Parliament who works in collaboration with the United Nations and the European Union; commit Parliament's Foreign Affairs Commission to drawing up a report every year that presents the dangers of new genocides to public opinion; create an autonomous and independent agency on human rights in Italy too. 
These are the three proposals that the ONLUS Gariwo - the forest of the Righteous presented on the Day of Remembrance to the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chamber and which yesterday the Milan City Council made its own, approving an agenda that invites the mayor and the council to act promoters of this initiative in Parliament.

The Agenda, voted by a majority, saw the President of the City Council Lamberto Bertolé as the first signatory: "The City Council of Milan invites Parliament to support the three proposals presented by Gariwo for the prevention of genocides – he comments –. Preventing genocides it is the responsibility of the entire international community and it is a moral duty intertwined with the very defense of our democracy. As Lemkin, promoter of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, said at the United Nations in 1948, the destruction of any minority annihilates. not only those who are affected, but also impoverishes the richness of human plurality on this earth. Against any indifference or sense of impotence, we must find new tools to be more effective and prevent these atrocities."


Updated: 11/05/2021