Town Council. The amendment to the appointment regulations in entities and subsidiaries has been approved

Town Council. The amendment to the appointment regulations in entities and subsidiaries has been approved

Milan, February 25 2022 – At the meeting on Thursday 24 February, the City Council approved the resolution proposed by the Mayor's Cabinet on the modification of the Regulations for the appointment of representatives of the Municipality in entities and investee companies.
Due to the impacts of Covid on the accounts and management of the companies whose shareholders include the Municipality, the provision freezes for 2022 the cause of exclusion, according to which those who are been appointed consecutively twice in the same body". By adding a paragraph to the transitional provisions of the Regulation, it was established that "in consideration of the effects of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, for the designations and/or appointments made in the year 2022 the cause of exclusion does not justifiably apply".

In the premises of the resolution, the reasons for the choice: the pandemic "has also had significant impacts on the system of entities owned by the Municipality of Milan, causing significant difficulties both in the ordinary management of the services and activities provided/carried out by them and in the implementation of multi-year strategic plans".
Therefore, "in the current and prospective emergency context, an in-depth knowledge on the part of the Directors of the specific company realities, of the related management, organizational and regulatory contexts, of the company assets, of the economic-financial and equity situation and of the ongoing development projects , can offer a favorable element for overcoming the critical issues described above, allowing the identification and adoption with due timeliness of the complex and targeted corrective/improvement actions necessary".


Updated: 28/02/2022