Common. The two-day Labor Pact kicks off on Thursday 28th, with the signature on Friday 29th Palazzo Marino with the eight underwriting partners

Common. The two-day Labor Pact kicks off on Thursday 28th, with the signature on Friday 29th Palazzo Marino with the eight underwriting partners

At Palazzo Reale 44 speakers divided into five sessions discussed safety and legality, smartworking and protections for new workers on digital platforms, training and NEET. Open morning with a comparison between the cities of Milan, Barcelona and Paris Milan, 28 April 2022 - Milan, city of safety and legality, of protection for riders and workers of digital platforms. Milan is ready to transform agile working, which became necessary during the months of the pandemic, into effective smartworking and to grow nearworking and coworking. Milan, a city determined to relaunch employment for all, strengthening the city's attractiveness towards young people, supporting the professional career of women and also offering support to those who independently seek to re-enter the job market but need orientation and training. Current problems shared by all the large cities with a leading role in their country such as Paris and Barcelona with which Milan has confronted itself in a dialogue on the topics of recovery, new ways of working and young NEETs. In a word: good work. All this was discussed today, on the World Day for Health and Safety at Work and a few days before the May Day anniversary, at Palazzo Reale, during the first of the two days of debate organized by the Municipality of Milan on the issues of work at in which 44 speakers participated in five sessions: Milan, city of relaunch, which discussed new workers on e-commerce platforms and reskilling and upskilling formulas for people with fragility; Milan, city of Good Work with a focus on protection, legality and safety; Rethinking work with a great in-depth analysis of smart working, coworking and nearworking.

Tomorrow, Friday 29 April, the second day will move to the Sala Alessi Palazzo Marino, in which thanks to the stories of 15 guests from the world of successful start-ups, the major international events Salone del Mobile, Milan Fashion Week, Milan - Cortina 2026, excellent cuisine, the Third Sector and organizations that fight against Climate Change, the Milan of the future will be outlined. 

At 15 pm the last and final moment of interventions will begin with the signing of the City Labor Pact between the Municipality of Milan and eight partners, protagonists of the trade union, entrepreneurial, national and local administrative world: Assolombarda, Milan Monza Chamber of Commerce Brianza and Lodi, Confcommercio, Afol Metropolitana, Metropolitan City of Milan, CGIL, CISL, UIL.

The signing of the Labor Pact will take place in person, from 15 pm to 30 pm it will also be possible to follow the moment in live streaming on InComune - the Web TV Radio of the #ComuneMilano


Updated: 28/04/2022