Community park in MIND. Councilor Grandi will be at the Triulza Foundation on Thursday for a meeting on the future of the new park

Community park in MIND. Councilor Grandi will be at the Triulza Foundation on Thursday for a meeting on the future of the new park

Il full program - Triulza Foundation

Milan, October 27 2021 – Tomorrow, Thursday 28 October, at the Social innovation academy of the Triulza Foundation, at MIND - Milano innovation district, via Cristina Belgioioso 171, the councilor for the Environment and Green Elena Grandi will participate in a meeting on the future of the Food and health that will arise in the area.

The session "The Food and Health Park of MIND and the communities. Towards an innovative model of governance" will begin at 10 am and will also see the participation of Stefano Minini - Project director MIND west gate, Filippo Petrolati - Foundation Director of Comunità Milano ONLUS, Giovanni Savio - CEO and Co-founder Planet smart city.

Updated: 27/10/2021