Trade. For the 26 open markets active in the city during phase 2, the locations and operating methods remain unchanged

Trade. For the 26 open markets active in the city during phase 2, the locations and operating methods remain unchanged

Milan, May 16 2020 – To protect the health and guarantee the safety of operators and users of the open markets active in the city, the municipal administration has decided to continue the experimentation already started with the current 26 markets, while waiting to adopt a progressive reopening plan according to the new indications from the Government and the Lombardy Region.
The uncovered markets will therefore continue to take place for the food component only according to the days, methods and requirements indicated by the municipal ordinance of 4 May 2020. A choice of continuity to guarantee safety dictated by the current lack of regulations and rules defined for the management of uncovered markets in their overall composition, food and non-food, during the reopening of Phase 2.

The market locations will remain delimited and fenced and will have mandatory access and exit gates, which will limit the intersection of people as much as possible. The gates will be manned by specially dedicated staff who, in addition to regulating the influx, will be able to detect the body temperature of citizens before entering the market area.
To limit concentration as much as possible, the maximum capacity of people present at the same time within the market areas will be defined, which in any case cannot exceed double the number of stands.
Entry remains permitted to only one member per family, except for the need to bring along children under 14, people with disabilities or elderly people. Each commercial operator must necessarily use a mask and gloves. The sales counters will be positioned alternately in a checkerboard pattern or in a single row, maintaining a minimum distance of 2,5 meters between one operator and another. Each counter will have a maximum of two sales staff present and in this phase the ticking operations, i.e. the daily assignments on temporarily free parking spaces, will be suspended.

Any changes to dates, operating methods and access to open markets according to the indications that will be adopted by the Lombardy Region will be promptly communicated to operators and citizens.

Updated: 17/05/2020