Trade. Contributions of 440 thousand euros from the Municipality to support companies affected by the M4 construction sites

Trade. Contributions of 440 thousand euros from the Municipality to support companies affected by the M4 construction sites

Tajani: “We want to continue to support the activities which, with their presence, constitute an important safeguard for the streets involved in the works”

Milan, November 21 2020 – The Covid emergency does not divert the Administration's attention from the needs of traders, neighborhood economic activities and artisan ones. The guidelines for the definition of the new tender have been approved which makes 440 thousand euros of contributions available to support companies affected by the presence of the construction sites of the new metro.

“In the midst of the Covid emergency – comments the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Commerce, Cristina Tajani – we managed to find the resources and ways to support traders who, in addition to suffering the inconveniences due to the presence of construction sites, have no was able to benefit from the opportunity to set up outdoor tables to make up for the limitations imposed by the lockdown. We are convinced - concludes the councilor - that this contribution can represent a breath of fresh air for activities, accompanying their recovery and restart".

All activities damaged by the presence of the construction sites will be able to access the contributions but priority in the assignment will be given to the 79 entities considered to have a "very high impact" along the entire route. Realities which, in recent months, in addition to the closures imposed by government and regional decrees to combat the spread of Covid, have also found themselves unable to benefit from the concessions for land occupation of the areas in front to set up tables and stalls, due the presence of construction sites which have reduced the width of pavements and carriageways.  

For companies considered to have a "very high impact", a non-repayable contribution of a maximum amount of 7 thousand euros is envisaged for activities that have observed a period of mandatory closure in compliance with the Prime Ministerial Decrees of 11 March 2020, 22 March 2020, 1st April 2020, 10 April 2020, 26 April 2020, while for all other activities the contribution will be 3.500 euros.

Businesses will be able to report current expenses incurred during the lockdown, for rent and utilities for properties acting as the company's operational headquarters; local fees and taxes; purchase of materials not intended for sale, costs for personnel, advertising, marketing and communication as well as the costs for their consolidation in a phase of severe hardship and limitation of activity.

The beneficiaries of the allocation of contributions will be identified through a ranking by 31 December.

To date there are 294 companies, along the entire stretch of the new M4, which in recent years have had access to the 9 million total contributions made available to the Administration through the tenders that have followed one another from 2016 to today.

In the coming weeks, all the information, documentation and methods of accessing the tender will be available on the Fareimpresa portal of the Municipality of Milan and in the notices and tenders section of

Updated: 21/11/2020