Trade. The city's 94 outdoor markets are open only to food operators

Trade. The city's 94 outdoor markets are open only to food operators

For the next 15 days all sites will be active to guarantee a service that is deeply felt by citizens

Milan, November 5 2020 – From tomorrow, Friday 6 November, and for the next 15 days, all the city's outdoor markets will only take place in their food component, while keeping the days and hours of operation unchanged. The choice to limit access to open markets to food operators only derives from the Administration's implementation of the indications expressed in the latest provision issued by the Government for the containment and fight against the spread of Covid infections.

“Thanks to the important work carried out last spring – declares the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Commerce, Cristina Tajani – we are already ready to give an immediate response to citizens to guarantee a particularly felt service, such as the discovered markets. In recent days, in order to better protect the health of citizens and of the operators themselves who operate on the markets, the local police has intensified controls and in collaboration with the trade associations we have started a private steward service who, covering the markets, invite customers to use the mask correctly, to respect distances and to avoid gatherings".

In the 94 weekly open markets active in the city area, only 3.336 food operators will be present, equal to 32,5% of the total 10.278 stands that normally make up the staff of the market locations. Obviously every commercial operator is asked to observe behaviors useful for limiting the spread of infections such as using a mask and frequently sanitizing your hands. The sales counters will be positioned in a single row, maintaining sufficient distance between one operator and another to avoid gatherings. In this phase, the ticking operations, i.e. the daily assignments on temporarily free parking spaces and sellers of used products, will be suspended.

Even in the 23 structures of the covered municipal markets, the same indications in force for the uncovered markets will apply, therefore only the food stalls and the goods indicated by the Prime Ministerial Decree will be open.

Updated: 06/11/2020