CODE WEEK. TO Palazzo Marino a digital laboratory dedicated to the over 60s

CODE WEEK. TO Palazzo Marino a digital laboratory dedicated to the over 60s

Milan, October 15 2019 – On the occasion of Codeweek, the European week for the diffusion of digital literacy, the Municipality of Milan – together with Bip and Fondazione Mondo Digitale – launches #CODE WEEK 2019 - EU-MILANO, a free training event that unites young people generations to seniors, for an exchange of  experiences and skills. 
The special digital laboratory is scheduled for Thursday 17 October, from 9 to 12, in the Council Room of Palazzo Marino and is reserved for those over 60, own a smartphone and want to learn. 
To register you need to send an email to specifying “Codeweek Registration” in the subject. The event is free and with limited availability of places. 
The program is available at link

Updated: 15/10/2019