Balance. The first aid from the mutual aid fund is arriving

Balance. The first aid from the mutual aid fund is arriving

Interventions to integrate shopping vouchers, support for private nurseries and nursery schools and small businesses in the cultural sector
Tasca: “Thanks to the institutions and citizens close to Milan. The first funds intended to support services to combine solidarity and economic relaunch"

Milan, May 8 2020 - Committee working to assign the first financial aid collected from the Mutual Aid Fund, opened by the Municipality for categories in difficulty in the covid-19 emergency. A portion of the contributions is allocated with a resolution - 8,5 million euros, out of a total of 14,5 million raised up to this point. The distribution of the remaining sums of the Fund will take place according to the indications that emerge from the discussion with the City Council.
In addition to the 2 million allocated since the beginning of the emergency to the San Giuseppe Fund to support the vulnerable, the Council has integrated with a further 2 million euros the resources deriving from the state contribution for the provision of "shopping vouchers", in order to increase the number of families who will be able to benefit from it in the coming months.

Aid also to small businesses in the socio-educational sector, penalized by the lockdown period, with interventions aimed at providing economic support to the private educational sector for infants (0-3 years) and private private nursery schools that fall within the system of offer on the territory of the Municipality of Milan: for these it is expected to distribute up to 2,5 million euros.

Finally, 2 million euros are allocated for small businesses in the cultural sector, to give economic support to businesses that offer cultural services to the city, particularly affected by the inactivity resulting from the lockdown period.

"With this resolution we begin to assign a first part of the funds, keeping in mind that the sectors in difficulty are many and diversified - explains the budget councilor, Roberto Tasca -. We begin by supporting the entire audience of applicants for shopping vouchers, understanding how many they were excluded from the allocation of state funds, and then aid to private nurseries and nurseries in difficulty and to small businesses operating in the field of culture, which represent a decisive component of the city's international success".

“For the allocation of the remaining part of the fund - continues Tasca - we will follow the indications that emerged from the discussion with the City Council, which we consider essential in this difficult phase. We thank all those who allow us to effectively support this emergency. The solidarity shown in recent weeks by institutions, businesses and citizens is an important sign of unity for the city. We hope that the donations continue to arrive because the emergency is not over and bringing Milan back to the levels it deserves requires everyone's effort. Now we also await that of the Government and the Region."

Updated: 08/05/2020