Balance. 33 million euros for road safety

Balance. 33 million euros for road safety

The distribution of the restricted quotas of the expected collections from administrative sanctions has been decided
Milan, 13 December 2020 - Approved the destination of the restricted quotas of the expected proceeds deriving from administrative sanctions for violations of the Highway Code. 
For 2020, 33 million euros will therefore be allocated to road safety, 50% of the expected revenue, as provided for by Legislative Decree 285/92.
In particular, 5 million euros will be allocated to the extraordinary maintenance of road infrastructures (including signs, barriers and systems), while 7 million euros will be used for the ordinary maintenance of signs and traffic lights and for the extraordinary maintenance of public lighting. 
Another 7 million euros will go towards strengthening, also through the purchase of vehicles and equipment, the control and investigation of road traffic violations. 
Finally, 14 million euros are earmarked for the improvement of the road surface, for interventions to protect vulnerable road users (children, elderly people, people with disabilities, cyclists and pedestrians), for the holding of educational courses in schools of all levels road traffic and assistance and welfare measures for local police personnel. 

Updated: 13/12/2020