2008 AMENDMENT ACT OF THE ADP BESTA BICOCCA 2003. Start of the procedure concerning the proposed regulatory variant regarding UCP 2 of the Executive Plan relating to the commitments of private implementing entities (UCP. 2,3,4,5,6,7)

2008 AMENDMENT ACT OF THE “BESTA BICOCCA” ADP 2003. Initiation of the procedure concerning the proposed regulatory variant regarding UCP 2 of the Executive Plan relating to the commitments of private implementing entities (UCP. 2,3,4,5,6,7 )

Published on March 29, 2018



As an amendment to the Executive Plan in question and the related Agreement stipulated on 29 April 2009 between the Municipality of Milan and - among others - Pirelli & C. Real Estate, Pirelli RE SGR spa, Fondo FPR, Lambda srl, Initiatives real estate 3 Srl, for the implementation of public and private interventions envisaged by the same Executive Plan (hereinafter PE)

we inform you that

the Thematic Planning and Area Enhancement Area received on 26/03/2018 (PG 141741/2018) a request for amendment to the aforementioned PE with regard exclusively to UCP2 by Edilizia Commerciale spa, in its capacity as assignee of Pirelli and C. Real Estate spa.

The request refers to the need to deal with critical issues relating to the acoustic climate, in particular relating to the implementation of the building complex of the Project Coordination Unit 2 (hereinafter UCP2) - which the EP envisages will be mainly intended for residential purposes - emerged in particular following the approval of the acoustic classification of the territory of the Municipality of Milan, which took place with resolution C.C. n. 32 of 9/09/2013, when a type III classification was attributed to the area affected by the new residential settlements, compared to the type IV classification of the neighboring area, home to tertiary and productive activities.

The variant proposal proposes to introduce a functional mix into UCP2, which also includes hospitality and tertiary functions, in addition to the residential and commercial ones already envisaged by the same Plan. In particular, a remodulation of the planned functions is requested, given a maximum permitted GFA of 54.500 m5.400, in which a quota equal to 44.100 m5.000 would be allocated to hospitality/tertiary functions, to reduce the quota of free residence foreseen which would be limited to XNUMX mXNUMX; the portion for commercial use of XNUMX mXNUMX would remain unchanged. 

The proposed regulatory variant does not change the quantity of standard areas envisaged by the EP; in the event that the functional mix should generate areas for additional public equipment and public use, they will have to be found using the methods established by law, including the institution of monetization.

The aforementioned request can be considered admissible and consequently an investigation can be started aimed at modifying the regulatory aspects relating to the introduction of new functions, hospitality and tertiary, for the UCP2 area only, which will also involve the signing of a supplementary deed to the Agreement original, which will expire on 29 April 2022.

The urbanization works - in particular the roads surrounding the UCP2 and the public park area - envisaged by the EP have not yet been completed, and are therefore reconfirmed, but will be remodeled temporally through a review of the timetable attached to the Agreement.   


The documents covered by this proposal, for the purposes of exercising the right to intervene in the proceedings and to present written briefs and documents as provided for in the articles. 9 and 10 of Law 7 August 1990, n. 241 “New rules regarding administrative procedures and the right of access to administrative documents” and subsequent amendments and additions, can be consulted in the Town Hall in via Bernina, 12, at the Secretariat of the Thematic Planning and Area Enhancement Area (building A - third floor - room A 311) from 5 April 2018 until 19 April 2018, from Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 12.00.

Pursuant to and for the purposes of the aforementioned art. 10.1 letter b) of Law no. 241/1990, any requests must be presented on plain paper and registered at the Protocol Office located on the ground floor of the same building in via Bernina, 12, by 11.45 am on 19 April 2018.

Pursuant to and for the purposes of the same art. 10, the Municipal Administration will take these requests into account where they are relevant to the subject of the proceeding.


Milan, 28 March 2018

Published on: 29/03/2018