Approval of guidelines for the identification of subjects to combat gender violence

Approval of guidelines for the identification of subjects to combat gender violence

Milan, August 4 2019 - Palazzo Marino approved the guidelines for identifying public or third sector entities available to carry out activities to combat gender violence together with the Municipality. 
The duration of the project includes the two-year period from January 2020 to December 2021. The resources allocated amount to over 1,8 million euros, of which 1,5 million of Administration resources and 315 thousand euros of Lombardy Region resources.
A notice of interest will be launched through which the Administration's desire to proceed with the co-planning of the service according to four lines of intervention will be made known:
•    Guarantee support for abused women thanks to the services offered by the network of Anti-Violence Centers which, free of charge, offer telephone interviews or on-site meetings, psychological support, orientation and legal assistance and orientation to services aimed at economic and housing autonomy. 
•    Offer protection and hospitality through shelter homes that provide apartments or beds in dedicated structures.
•    Launch prevention and awareness campaigns on the topic, supporting projects spread throughout the city.
•    Monitor the individual paths of social and psychological redemption of the women followed also through the establishment of an operational team which will be based at the Casa dei Diritti in via De Amicis 10.  
The projects presented will be evaluated with a maximum of 100 points, of which a maximum of 80 assigned on the basis of the project proposal and a maximum of 20 assigned on the basis of the economic proposal, taking into account that each proposal must include co-financing by the proposer equal to at least 10%. of the Administration's expenditure.  
“The fight against violence against women - declares the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti - is at the center of many of our actions and translates into various interventions: assistance to victims, protection and the offer of hospitality, support for their autonomy, action for prevention and dissemination of adequate information. With this provision we confirm our desire to move forward with ever greater conviction in this direction, to make the girls and women of Milan understand that they are never alone in the face of violence."
Last year, 1.783 women turned to anti-violence centers affiliated with the Municipality of Milan. Of these, the majority (911) are aged between 30 and 49, while 403 are young girls under 30, in addition to 46 people who are not yet adults and 46 over 70.
Many of the women who show up at the counters or contact the centers by telephone report physical (1203), psychological (1245), sexual (322), economic (235) or persecutory behavior (188) abuse. They are mostly workers (891), although the number of unemployed (427) and students (135) is also high. In 87 cases they declared that they were housewives and in 78 cases that they were pensioners.
In 1336 cases their 'tormentors' are husbands, ex-husbands, cohabitants or ex-cohabitants, partners or ex-partners, but there are also cases in which the violence comes from other family members (198) or people they know (146).
The anti-violence network supported by the Municipality of Milan, which today includes 9 anti-violence centers and 9 shelter homes, has also organized thematic working groups on women violence and disability, on violence and women with a migratory background, on violence and places of work and communication.


Updated: 04/08/2019