Registry office. Certificates at newsstands, tobacconists or branches of subsidiary companies

Registry office. Certificates at newsstands, tobacconists or branches of subsidiary companies

The guidelines for the stipulation of agreements with public and private entities have been approved. Cocco: “They will be neighborhood branches. Online is increasingly used: in June and July over 60 percent of certificates downloaded from the institutional portal"

Milan, August 8 2019 - Citizen services increasingly widespread and widespread throughout the territory. With this aim, the Administration has approved the guidelines for the stipulation of agreements with public and private entities, for example newsagents, tobacconists or subsidiaries' branches, for the provision of registry certificates: from birth certificate to residence certificate, the family status, registration on the electoral roll or marriage certificate; and again, among others, de facto coexistence, civil union and the enjoyment of political rights (the complete list at the bottom).

Currently the certificate issuing service is available online, through authentication with a complete profile on the institutional portal of the Municipality of Milan, alongside the traditional counter service available in the 15 registered offices or at the Poste Italiane offices, which since 2009 have guaranteed the issuing of registry certificates thanks to an agreement stipulated with the Municipality.

Two other agreements have been active since 2009, with the Bar Association and with the Notary Council of Milan: both are authorized to connect for the consultation of the documents and for the issuing of certificates useful for some specific activities (for example notarial deeds, mortgages , jurisdictional activity).

There are around 70 thousand certificates that lawyers and notaries generate and print online independently every year, avoiding going directly to the counters or sending their clients to the registry offices.

The new agreements can be signed by private entities such as, for example, newsstands, tobacconists, CAFs - as already experimented in other municipalities - and by public entities, for example the investee companies of the Municipality of Milan which have physical branches in the area, such as ATM and MM.

“We want to provide citizens with 'neighbourhood offices' that they can turn to to obtain registry certificates without having to go to Via Larga or to decentralized offices, thus avoiding more complex and long-awaited journeys. A tool that complements the online service of the institutional portal of the Municipality of Milan, which is now constantly growing: in the months of June and July, over 60 percent of the registry certificates were requested online, less than 40 percent at the counter" - he declares the councilor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services Roberta Cocco.

Interested parties will be able to submit their request for membership, preferably through the trade union, association or professional association that represents them, by responding to the public notice which will be available on the Municipality of Milan portal. They will have to ensure that each location has at least one operator present and the necessary IT equipment with set-up and supply costs borne by the manager. The manager will have to equip himself with SPID, the digital public identity or other method of enabling and accessing the registry database for each individual operator. The staff will be trained by the Municipality of Milan and every operation carried out will be traced in detail.

In the case of the territorial branches of the subsidiaries of the Municipality of Milan, free admission must be guaranteed, while in the case of private entities the fee for the citizen cannot exceed the cost of 2 euros including VAT for each single certificate exempt from stamp duty.

The agreement will have a duration of five years but can be revoked at any time by both the manager and the municipal administration.

The complete list of registry certificates that can be issued includes: Contextual (birth, residence, citizenship, existence in life), Contextual AIRE, Contextual and family status, Citizenship, De facto cohabitation, Existence in life, Enjoyment of political rights, Registration on electoral lists, Marriage, Death, Birth, Residence, Family status, Free status, Civil union.

Updated: 08/08/2019