Environment. The adoption of the Air and Climate Plan begins

Environment. The adoption of the Air and Climate Plan begins

Lipparini: “A plan for a more sustainable city created with the participation of the Milanese”. After approval by the Council, the document will continue its process in the Commission and the City Council. The participation process, of a consultative nature, aimed at citizens, was also approved

Milan 19 October 2020 – The adoption of the Air and Climate Plan (hereinafter PAC), the strategic vision document for the adaptation of the city of Milan to achieve, over the period 15 ÷ 2021, the zeroing of carbon emissions and climate-altering gases.

There are three objectives: to fall within the limit values ​​of the concentrations of air pollutants PM10, PM2,5 and NOx (fine particles and nitrogen oxides) set by the European Union directive; reduce CO emissions2 (carbon dioxide) by 45% by 2030 and become a carbon neutral city by 2050; contribute to limiting the local temperature increase to 2050°C by 2, through urban cooling actions and reduction of the heat island phenomenon in the city. The approved text will continue its process in the Council Commission and in the City Council for its definitive approval.

“In the questionnaire conducted this summer in which more than ten thousand participated - explains the councilor for Participation, Active Citizenship and Open Data, Lorenzo Lipparini - citizens confirmed the high degree of concern for issues related to climate change and environment, and the majority of them declared their willingness to change their daily behaviors to contribute to the Administration's sustainability objectives. The Plan outlines the actions necessary to go in this direction."

The Environment and Climate Plan is based on five lines of intervention considered priorities for a Milan that is:  

  • clean, fair, open and supportive (healthy and inclusive);  
  • a city that moves in a sustainable, flexible, active and safe way (connected and accessible);  
  • a city that consumes less and better (with positive energy);  
  • greener, fresher and more livable which adapts to climate change by improving the quality of life of its inhabitants (fresher);  
  • a city that adopts conscious (conscious) lifestyles.

Together with the adoption of the PAC, the Council approved the guidelines for the experimentation of a consultative participation process aimed at citizens.

“We have planned a structured program of meetings - adds councilor Lipparini - which allows us to listen to the Milanese in all the municipalities, the stakeholders, the experts and to consult a sample of people drawn by lot who will discuss the contents of the Floor. All texts and materials will be available online, securely and on the Milano partecipa platform, configured in open source format, to guarantee quality participation and adapt to the Municipality's standards of access to digital services and protection of confidentiality".

The results of the participation process will be returned to the City with suitable tools to publicly disseminate the documents developed in the participatory process, the proactive contributions produced by both citizens and municipalities.

Specific purposes of the participation process are: to disseminate clear, exhaustive and transparent information on the subject matter of the plan and its contents in their entirety; evaluate the solutions proposed in the Plan to achieve the objectives, objectives which are not susceptible to modification, with the aim of preventing the production of social, civil and economic imbalances, and of optimizing the cost/benefit ratio generated by the resources used, be they material, economic, cognitive, civil; identify concrete and achievable areas for improvement.

As a first listening tool to understand the orientations of Milanese public opinion on environmental issues of interest to the municipal administration, a preliminary questionnaire was carried out, activated in digital mode, which closed on September 9.750st. The level of knowledge, thinking and general sensitivity that citizens have towards climate change was detected, as well as testing their behavior and constraints and any contributions that the Administration can make on this issue. XNUMX citizens responded to the survey.

Updated: 19/10/2020