Environment. Waste collection and city cleaning, Amsa services promoted by the Milanese

Environment. Waste collection and city cleaning, Amsa services promoted by the Milanese

Separate waste collection and bulky waste collection at home are the most appreciated. More than 95% of those interviewed declared themselves satisfied, the average rating was 7,5 Milan, July 12 2023 - Amsa promoted with an average rating of 7,5 (on a scale of 1 to 10). From waste collection to cleaning the city, the Milanese expressed themselves positively on Amsa's work in the Municipality of Milan: over 95% of the citizens interviewed declared themselves satisfied and almost one in two (47%) gave an inclusive rating between 8 and 10. These are some of the results that emerged from the survey on the degree of satisfaction of the Milanese regarding the services provided by the company and presented to the representatives of the municipal administration and the main consumer associations. The survey was carried out through telephone interviews on a sample of over 4 thousand people domiciled in 40 different neighborhoods of the Municipality of Milan, to guarantee a clear photograph of the entire territory. The target for the study is made up of adults who, within families, deal more often with the disposal of waste in condominium bins, with a portion of interviews reserved for resident citizens of non-Italian nationality and another portion for the aged between 18 and 44. Amsa's most appreciated service is confirmed as the door-to-door waste collection system, with an average rating of 7,9 and a high level of satisfaction in all neighbourhoods. More than positive results which are in line with those of recent years, obtained thanks to collaboration with citizens, which confirm Milan among the most virtuous metropolises in Europe with a percentage of separate waste collection of around 63%. In detail, 95% of those interviewed declared themselves satisfied with the clarity and exhaustiveness of the communication on separate waste collection and 92% appreciated the adequacy and convenience of the collection times (both aspects with an average rating of 7,8 ). Most of those interviewed say they know the benefits: 37,3% believe they are very informed about it while 57,9% say they know quite a bit. Among the waste that generates the most doubts are mixed materials (such as beverage and food cartons), which is precisely for this reason the subject of a new communication campaign launched by Amsa and A2A in collaboration with the municipal administration. Still on the topic of correct waste disposal, more than one in 6 Milanese claims to have used the bulky waste collection service, which is now known to most respondents (74,2%), reporting an average rating of 8,26 . Recycling shops are also highly appreciated by the Milanese and in 2022 they were used by approximately 15% of those interviewed, recording an average rating of 8,3. Regarding cleanliness, street cleanliness received, with a satisfied percentage of 88,9%, an average rating of 7,25. In detail, the most popular urban hygiene service is the cleaning of market areas at the end of sales activities, which obtains an average satisfaction rating of 7,6. This is followed by cleaning and collection during and/or after events (7,4), of green areas (7,4) and play areas (7,3) and care in emptying street bins (7,3).  Amsa's contact channels were also highly appreciated: among the touchpoints made available to users, the Puliamo App has an average rating of 8 out of 10 and the other services - toll-free number, website and physical counter - obtained an average score higher than 7,5.

Updated: 12/07/2023