Environment. Milan aims at the PNNR for the restoration and enhancement of historical and monumental parks

Environment. Milan aims at the PNNR for the restoration and enhancement of historical and monumental parks

Milan, March 12 2022 – Public green spaces are increasingly the protagonist of the city's future. Three historic and monumental parks and gardens in Milan, Parco Sempione, Giardini Montanelli and Giardino di Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte, could be redeveloped thanks to PNRR funds.   The adhesion of the Municipality of Milan to the tender of the Ministry of Culture for the enhancement of the identity of places financed by the European Union through NextgenerationEU has been approved by the Council. The feasibility projects, for a total value of six million euros, will be divided equally between the three historic green areas of the city.   “Thanks to the PNRR funds we will have a unique opportunity to redevelop and give new impetus to the three historic and monumental parks of the city, places known and loved by all Milanese - explains the councilor for the Environment and Green Elena Grandi -. An all-round valorization and redevelopment that will concern not only the structural and aesthetic aspects but also the cultural, historical, environmental and technological ones thanks to the creation of routes and itineraries that will make better use of innovations such as QRcodes and multimedia panels".  Each of the three projects provides funding of two million euros through which it will be possible to support actions to enhance the historical-artistic characteristics while respecting the tree species, shrubby vegetation, biodiversity and artefacts. Restoration interventions of the curbs of the avenues and gravel or concrete paving are envisaged, as well as the redevelopment of the various artefacts present and the restoration of the historical-artistic elements. The restoration of the hydrological quality of the bodies of water and their banks is also envisaged in order to protect the biodiversity represented by birds, fish and insects through cleaning, consolidation of the banks and the arrangement of the water supply system.  Space was also given to actions that support the rediscovery of monumental parks as elements of the city's artistic and cultural heritage through interventions aimed at their enjoyment and the dissemination of the history and artistic and naturalistic landscape characteristics of the places. Raising people's awareness of environmental issues will also be promoted thanks to the installation of explanatory panels and QR Codes or with the creation of videos presenting the parks, their history, the fauna and vegetation present, encouraging, in collaboration with the various museum bodies that exist in those areas, the creation of truly dedicated historical, artistic and environmental itineraries.   Interventions are also planned to guarantee accessibility and maximum use of the three green areas by people with disabilities in the name of an increasingly inclusive city.   The three feasibility projects will be uploaded to the platform of the Ministry of Culture by March 15, the expiration date of the call for access to the contributions provided by the PNRR. 


Updated: 12/03/2022