Environment. The first permanent citizens' assembly on the climate of Milan is held at the Civic Aquarium

Environment. The first permanent citizens' assembly on the climate of Milan is held at the Civic Aquarium

The new participatory body will meet every two months to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the actions of the Air and Climate Plan

Milan, November 30 2022 – The first session of the Permanent Citizens' Assembly on the Climate, the civic participation body created to give a voice to the people residing in the city on activities relating to the fight against climate change, air quality and ecological transition.

The first forty-five Milanese citizens involved in the project will meet up. At full capacity, the Assembly will have 90 full members (the second group will meet in March 2023). All members were selected using representative criteria from among those who responded positively to the Municipality's invitation, sent at the beginning of November to ten thousand residents drawn at random by the Statistics Office.

The Permanent Citizens' Climate Assembly will meet in plenary every two months.

The creation of the Permanent Assembly replicates what has already been achieved in many other European and world cities to establish similar bodies on the same topics; it is based on the idea that groups of citizens, adequately informed and trained, can contribute to making important and significant decisions for their community and their territory.

"Tackling the climate emergency with courage, responsibility and determination is a primary commitment for Milan, not only as a municipality, but above all as a community – declares Elena Grandi, councilor for the environment and greenery –. Making everyone an active part of the path is fundamental and this is why we wanted to create the Permanent Citizens' Assembly on Climate, a participation tool that allows citizens drawn to represent all the components of the city to contribute to the necessary change As they become involved, they will take this opportunity to build a more sustainable and inclusive Milan together."

In recent years, Milan has undertaken a broad and diversified path towards decarbonisation and the improvement of air quality, which requires the contribution of all the city's actors and the promotion of more sustainable lifestyles.

The set of activities implemented by the Administration to encourage the involvement of citizens, organizations and city businesses takes the name of Milano Cambia aria, an initiative officially presented last October 1st in Cascina Cuccagna on the occasion of the Environment Forum and the Green week . More information on the Permanent Citizens' Climate Assembly is available on the website www.comune.milano.it/MilanoCambiaAria where it is also possible to subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on the city's involvement initiatives.

Updated: 01/12/2022