8 October. Scholarships awarded in memory of the victims of the Linate massacre

8 October. Scholarships awarded in memory of the victims of the Linate massacre

Tajani: "Homage to the memory of the missing people so that a serious loss is transformed into an opportunity for reflection on security"

Milan, October 8 2019 – The city does not forget the victims of the Linate disaster of 8 October 2001. Luca Bertoni (Polytechnic of Milan) and Maria Sanna (University of Sassari) are the two young graduates who were awarded the two scholarships this year, worth 5 thousand euros each, established by the Municipality of Milan to honor the memory and keep alive the memory of the people who disappeared in the plane crash 18 years ago at Linate. The scholarships reward the works of young graduates or doctoral students in Engineering or Law who, in the last year, have carried out in-depth work on the topic of "air transport safety".

“With this initiative, now in its fifth edition, the Administration's will is to contribute to developing a new concept and preparation regarding the delicate issue of civil flight safety – states the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Trade Cristina Tajani –. I hope that the awarded works will encourage dialogue between professionals, institutions and the university world so that 8 October 2001 is not only a date to remember but a warning for every air transport operator".

The winners were selected by a special commission composed of the Director of the Productive Activities and Commerce area of ​​the Municipality of Milan and experts chosen by the 8 October 2001 Foundation from among university professors and consultants in the field of civil flight safety.

The scholarships will be awarded in the coming months, on the occasion of an official ceremony which will take place in the Sala dell'Orologio in Palazzo Marino.


Dr. Luca Bertoni for his Master's thesis: "Design and execution of a crash test with subfloor and absorption seat for helicopters". The candidate dealt with a specific and uncommon topic: the prevention of accidents in helicopter flights through the design of underfloor and absorption seats. The topic is certainly relevant and, at the same time, original. Not only. It deals in a systematic and unitary way with the two areas of the tender: safety and prevention. Furthermore, the candidate moves with particular competence through the study of the analysis carried out on the incidents that occurred exclusively from a just culture perspective, resuming the analyzes to identify solutions for preventive purposes only".

Dr. Maria Sanna for her Master's thesis: "Aeronautical investigations". The Candidate has carried out a thesis focused on the technical investigations of aeronautical accidents. The work carried out is certainly of excellent quality, relevant to the tender as it focuses both on safety (commendably indicating the principle of safety linked to just culture) and on prevention. Of particular value is the current reference to the agreements stipulated between ANSV and the Prosecutor's Office for the resolution of relations between technical investigations and judicial investigations".

Updated: 10/10/2019