#MilanHelpUkraine. Five hundred thousand euros to the fund from Giorgio Armani

#MilanHelpUkraine. Five hundred thousand euros to the fund from Giorgio Armani

Towards one million euros in donations thanks to the generosity of around 300 Milanese

Milan, May 4 2022 – In its first fifty days, the #MilanoAiutaUkraine Fund, established by the Milan Community Foundation on the initiative of the Municipality of Milan, with the aim of collecting donations to support projects to help and welcome the Ukrainian population who have arrived in the city to escape the war, has reached 981.708 euros in donations and is moving towards the million euro milestone.

Around 300 citizens, businesses and organizations made a donation, eager to support Ukrainian families - especially women and children - in their welcome and integration journey in Milan.

An important contribution comes from Giorgio Armani who participated in the fundraising, which began on March 11, with a donation of 500.000 euros which more than doubled the resources available.

Various interventions can be financed thanks to his generosity, including the purchase of basic necessities or the provision of shopping vouchers to be distributed to refugees and the families who host them, the coverage of costs for interpreters and mediators who are helping Ukrainian families to settle and orient themselves in the city, but also for the psychological support they will need to deal with the trauma they have experienced and are experiencing.

"Welcoming the refugees from Ukraine with their hearts, the Milanese are doing so, as demonstrated by the numerous donations from private citizens, businesses and organizations to the Fondo #MilanoAiutaUkraine – declares Carlo Marchetti, President of the Fondazione di Comunità Milano ONLUS –. The Milan Community Foundation welcomes their generosity and works alongside the institutions in an integrated and coordinated system of responses between public and private to transform the donated resources not into subsidies, but into concrete projects. So as to encourage the inclusion of refugees in our community and make the fruits of collective effort germinate."

The Fund is open to the economic participation of individual citizens, businesses and associations who wish to make their contribution. Any person or entity can therefore make donations to the Milan Community Foundation, allocating them to #MilanoAiutaUkraine through the website https://www.fondazionecomunitamilano.org/fondi/fondo-milanoaiutaucraina/.

For payments it is also possible to use the account 55000/1000/00162571 in the name of the Community Foundation of Milan city, south west, south east and Martesana, with IBAN IT18Y0306909606100000162571 and causal Fondo #MilanoAiutaUkraine.

Fondazione di Comunità Milano, Municipality of Milan, Metropolitan City and Civil Protection will form the inter-institutional coordination with guidance functions regarding the methods of selecting the projects to be supported and the destination of the donations.

Updated: 04/05/2022