"Hate has no future." On 10 December over 300 mayors in Milan with Liliana Segre

"Hate has no future." On 10 December over 300 mayors in Milan with Liliana Segre

Milan, November 28 2019 - Over 300 Italian mayors have joined the "Hate has no future" demonstration for memory, against hatred and racism, scheduled for Tuesday 10 December in Milan.

The initiative was organized by the Municipality of Milan, together with the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), Italian Local Autonomies (ALI) and the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI), to demonstrate the closeness of the Administrations of small, medium and large municipalities to the senator for life Liliana Segre, survivor of the Nazi extermination camp of Auschwitz, today under guard due to repeated anti-Semitic threats.

Alongside Mayor Sala, more than 300 of his colleagues from all over Italy will parade. Among them Antonio Decaro (Bari), Matteo Ricci (Pesaro), Valeria Mancinelli (Ancona), Michele De Pascale (Ravenna), Chiara Appendino (Turin), Leoluca Orlando (Palermo), Dario Nardella (Florence) and Giorgio Gori (Bergamo) .

La manifestazione prenderà il via alle ore 18 da piazza Mercanti (con concentramento a partire dalle ore 17:30), si muoverà in direzione di piazza del Duomo per poi attraversare la Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II e fermarsi in piazza Scala, davanti a Palazzo Marino.

The appointment will be concluded by life senator Liliana Segre.

"I thank the mayors who accepted my invitation and that of ANCI, ALI and UPI to participate - commented the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala -. And thanks already from now to all the Milanese and citizens - especially the youngest - who I am sure they will not fail to provide their support. Together we can respond with the strength of civility and respect to those who never miss an opportunity to spread hatred and violence. December 10th will be International Human Rights Day: walking alongside each other, as simple humans, without flags or political colours, it will be a beautiful way to celebrate the universal declaration of human rights, signed 71 years ago, and reaffirm the values ​​of freedom, equality and respect at the basis of every democratic society. that Senator Segre had to endure as a girl and what she still finds herself facing today has nothing human about it. Let's not turn our gaze elsewhere and let's not pretend that all this didn't happen or isn't still happening today, in 2019. Let's fight indifference. And let's make sure it never happens again."

Updated: 28/11/2019