Garden of wishes

Garden of wishes

Rethinking the child-friendly space, starting from the ideas of the girls and boys who live there. This is the philosophy behind the "garden of desires" collaboration agreement for the shared care and regeneration of the public garden in Via Ravenna.

Located on the outskirts of the outskirts of Corvetto, the garden in via Ravenna is located in front of the Fabio Filzi primary school.

It was the girls and boys of Filzi who chose to take care of the garden in front of the school through a workshop carried out within the project “Girls' Ideas, Children's Thoughts”. The initiative, born from the collaboration between Fondazione Cariplo and Spaziopensiero, falls within the scope of Luoghicomuni, the action of Fondazione Cariplo's Lacittàintorno program aimed at the regeneration and shared care of collective open spaces such as Beni Comuni, curated by Labsus - Laboratorio for subsidiarity and Italia Nostra - Urban Forestry Centre.

The project aims to draw indications for its regeneration from children's intimate experience of the city. The educational community was also involved in the process of re-signifying the garden: parents and teachers were asked to express ideas and actively collaborate in the implementation of garden care actions.

Garden of wishes

A new signatory to the pact
Last June 12th Brand for the City signed the Garden of Desires agreement, contributing to the restyling of the garden with a coloring of the basketball court created by the street artist SMOE and installing colored seats and planters to liven up the environment. Furthermore, to guarantee play and complete safety for children, safety nets have been installed to prevent the balls from ending up in the street. Again to ensure the safety of the children, a very colorful and lively protection panel was created to cover the gate at the side of the basketball court.
Brand for the City deals with urban regeneration and brand urbanism, investing private funds for projects involving collaboration agreements or public planning,


The collaboration agreement includes cleaning of the garden, entertainment activities, maintenance and care of the greenery thanks to the training support of Italia Nostra Onlus.

The pact considers the Garden of Desires as responding to the needs of outdoor teaching and child-friendly spaces emphasized by the health emergency, drawing inspiration from the document "The boundless school of all".


  • The “Fabio Filzi” comprehensive institute 
  • The cultural association ForMattArt
  • The Alchemilla Onlus Social Cooperative
  • Brand for the City