All communications

  • 24/03/2024

    Open Squares for every school - Tactical Urban Planning project completed in Via Graf

    Milan, 24 March 2024. Milan has a new Open Square! Today, thanks to the collaboration of Wau! Milan, of the many volunteers in the neighborhood and of Cristian Trio with his Dyanema team, the space in front of the ICS Trilussa has been transformed into a colorful square with furnishings and potted plants, ready [...]

  • 11/03/2024

    Two collaboration agreements have been signed for the shared care of the parks near the Baroni and Arcadia primary schools

    Milan, 27 February 2024. Two collaboration agreements signed regarding the regeneration of the parks near the Baroni and Arcadia primary schools, in the Gratosoglio district of Milan. Born within the "A Piccoli Patti" initiative, the two agreements involved boys and girls from primary schools[...]

  • 31/01/2024

    The first collaboration agreement between public and private has been signed for the enhancement of corporate volunteering

    The Municipality of Milan signs the first Collaboration Agreement to promote corporate volunteering, between Nhood Services Italy SpA and the Comin social cooperative. The Agreement, lasting 18 months, provides that the company undertakes to offer its collaborators, so-called "Nhooders", the possibility of developing[...]

  • 06/12/2023

    Via Muzio - The first Piazze Aperte collaboration agreement has been signed for each school

    Milan, 4 December 2023. The school in Via Muzio, Municipio 2, will also have its own Open Square. The first collaboration agreement has been signed as part of the Open Squares program for each school, the public notice promoted by the Municipality of Milan - in collaboration with the Mobility, Environment and Territories Agency[...]

  • 13/06/2023

    At school alone

    Milan, 13 June 2023 - Two collaboration agreements between the Municipality of Milan and the 'Elsa Morante' primary schools in via Pini and 'Antonio Scarpa' in via Clericetti, to promote autonomy of movement and outdoor teaching as well common for the boys and girls of the ICS 'Scarpa' of Municipality 3, n[...]

  • 01/06/2023

    The Bibliogiardino pact has been signed for the shared care of the garden of the Villapizzone library

    Milan, 27 May 2023 - The collaboration agreement for the shared care of the garden of the Villapizzone library was signed with a toast of good wishes. Citizens, associations, neighborhood organizations and the Municipality illustrated to citizens the shared project for the revitalization of the garden [...]

  • 24/03/2022

    Municipalities at the school of Participation!

    March 24, 2022 - Yesterday afternoon, the first of several training meetings dedicated to municipal bodies was held on the topic of active citizenship and promotion and management and collaboration agreements. Entrusted to the Municipalities, participation will become a service to the citizen and will be able to involve[...]

  • 15/02/2023

    The Collaboration Agreement has been signed to create "Out. Il Cortile Sociale" inside the Municipal Market of Viale Monza 54

    Milan, 15 February 2023 – New life for the courtyard of the covered municipal market in Viale Monza 54. The Pact was signed today, in the presence of the Councilor for Civic Services with responsibility for Participation Gaia Romani and the President of Municipality 2 Simone Locatelli. of collaboration between the Municipality of Mil[...]

  • 27/02/2023

    Milan is memory. The first collaboration agreement was signed to assign the care and valorization of the Stumbling Stones to the students of Municipality 2.  

    Milan, 27 February 2023 – There are sixteen Stumbling Stones, placed in front of the door of the last residence where the victims of the Nazi-fascist persecution had lived as free women and men, who will be taken care of by girls and boys, girls and boys of some schools in the Municipality 2. The project,[...]

  • 04/02/2023

    An agreement to create the "Garden of Wonders" in via Bechi

    Milan, 4 February 2023 - The Collaboration Pact was signed this morning between the Municipality of Milan, Municipio 2, the social cooperative "Tempo per l'infanzia", ​​the spontaneous group of the historic Crespi Morbio Foundation, the ASD Sportinzona Melina Miele, the associations La Crisalide APS and DIESIS Aps pe[...]

  • 02/12/2022

    A pact for Piazza Spoleto

    The Municipality of Milan, through the Labsus Association - Laboratory for Subsidiarity, is coordinating the project "A Pact for Piazza Spoleto" which aims to start an inclusive and equal discussion and dialogue on the future of the square, better known as Piazza Arcobalena, capable of contemplating[...]