Via Reni

Via Reni

The project promoted by Municipality 3 aims to make the pedestrian area of via Reni, between Piazza Guardi and Via Beato Angelico, a space for meeting and socializing. A studio of young Apicultura architects has developed a proposal for a street design inspired by avant-garde artists of the early twentieth century, such as Kandinsky and Mirò.

At the beginning of October, a workshop with nursery school children allowed them to be involved in the project. They were the ones who chose the games (hopscotch, twister) and a route that will liven up the space. A series of meetings with the residents of the area allowed us to refine the theme of furnishings.

Finally, the volunteers of the WAU! Milan, together with several citizen volunteers - from mothers of school children, to young people from a Chinese community, to interns from the Polytechnic, to company employees, to residents of the building across the street - set to work to clean the writings on the walls and color the street, according to the project 'donated' by the architects.

Via Reni

Three planters and three benches, always in the name of colour, have been inserted into the context to make it more welcoming. And today the street is a renovated, colourful, flowery and comfortable space. The second step of the project will be the management of this space, the care of the new elements that characterize it and the organization of moments of meeting and socialization for the local community, in particular the youth.


  • Municipality 3 – Municipality of Milan
  • Nursery School Via Guido Reni
  • Beekeeping Collective
  • Condominium Piazza Guardi 11