Municipal patronage

Patronage represents a form of membership and institutional support for initiatives or events deemed worthy, through the association of the Municipality logo with the event.


Submit the request at least 45 days before the date of the event to be sponsored.

  • The granting of patronage does not entail the free provision of structures or services belonging to the organisation
  • The Administration is relieved of any responsibility relating to the organization of the sponsored event
  • The patronage may be revoked if the object of the patronage itself does not meet the criteria set out above, without the interested party being able to claim compensation or compensation of any kind.
  • if the patronage is used improperly, without the necessary concession or in violation of the provisions contained therein, the municipal administration reserves the right to take legal action to protect its interests also through the request for compensation for damages suffered
  • the granting of patronage does not constitute an exemption or exemption from the tax obligations that the beneficiaries are required to pay based on the laws, regulations and provisions of the municipal administration. An exception is made to what may be provided for by the legislation in force in favor of local public bodies, the State, associations, foundations and non-profit organizations of social utility.

tel. 02 884.58406

Updated: 09/04/2024