CAG Icarus

The “Icaro” Youth Aggregation Center, active since 1997, acts as a stable point of reference that offers young people an educational proposal through the implementation of multiple activities.

It is open all year round (with the exception of August) and is aimed at all children in the area between 10 and 18 years old. There is also a design for primary school children.

The Center is run by Martinengo Società Cooperativa Sociale.

Where to find us

Town Hall 4
via Boncompagni, 18

14:30 am - 18:00 am

At CAG Icaro you can carry out these activities:

  • Youth aggregation
  • Trips for young people
  • School support

For information on activities, calendars and initiatives

Martinengo Social Cooperative Society
cell. 347 3701.068
by 13: 30 18 to: 30

Updated: 03/11/2022