Powers of the municipal council

The Council has competence, among other things, regarding the following acts:

a. name and coat of arms of the Municipality

b. Strategic programmatic document and annual and three-year programmatic and forecasting document in which the financial resources deemed necessary for the exercise of the functions attributed or delegated to the Municipality are identified for the purposes of contributing to the definition of the municipal budget forecast and its variations

c. determination of the destination of the income deriving from the temporary concession of areas for vegetable gardens and municipal premises (multi-purpose spaces) or from sponsorship for events and activities organized by the Municipality within the scope of the functions attributed to it

d. programming and planning acts within the scope of the functions attributed to the Municipality

e. Regulations in the matters attributed to the Municipality within the limits established by the Municipal Statute and the Municipal Regulations

f. guidelines relating to the management of services, activities and interventions falling within the functions of the Municipalities, to the management of the structures, spaces, areas, facilities and sports spaces assigned to the Municipalities and to the provision of contributions and economic support in the scope of the resources and functions assigned

g. identification of the needs and minimum standard performance levels of the services to be guaranteed to citizens, as well as the priorities of interventions of local interest, for the purposes of contributing to the definition of the contents of the measures falling within the powers of the central municipal administration

h. addresses for the stipulation of conventions and/or collaboration agreements between Municipalities and/or with other bodies or with neighboring homogeneous areas

i. establishment of Neighborhood Committees and municipal councils

j. proposals for municipal referendums in the cases and in the manner provided for by the municipal statute, municipal referendums initiated by the council. 

Updated: 18/07/2022