Groups and schools


School groups (up to secondary schools) are entitled to free entry, including accompanying teachers up to a maximum of 4 per class.

Reservations for school groups are mandatory, even if they have their own guide, by contacting Aster at least 7 days in advance via email at, specifying the museum, the date, the visiting time and the number of participants. The booking is considered confirmed only when the final booking number is received.

The Gallery of Modern Art offers schools dedicated educational courses, to find out more consult the our proposals.


Groups must consist of a maximum of 25 people, including the guide.

The guided tours are managed by Aster srl, a concessionary company for educational services, which thanks to an interdisciplinary approach will be able to capture the attention of every visitor.
Reservations for groups are mandatory, even if they have their own guide, at least 7 days in advance, by email to the address, specifying the museum, the date, the visiting time and the number of participants.
The booking is considered confirmed only when the final booking number is received.

To find out about the offer for groups, consult Aster's proposals

Groups are not permitted on the first Sunday of the month