President of the Municipality

Anita Pirovano

I am 39 years old and for almost half of this time I have chosen to live in Milan where I arrived to study social psychology and after my doctorate I have never interrupted my collaboration with the university. Professionally I am involved in research and training in gender studies, welfare, social cohesion, life design. Contact person for the Lombardy Order of Psychologists of the working group on all forms of discrimination against women and member of the human rights consultancy. Passionate about sports, preferably team sports, football most of all. Having been involved in left-wing politics practically forever, in 2016 I was elected City Councilor and President of the prison subcommittee. In 2021 I decide instead to run as president of Municipality 9 because I believe that the challenge of the future is that of proximity and the regeneration of social and community ties, the city 15 minutes away can only see the institutions closest to the citizens and the neighborhoods as protagonists which must become the true "centres" of the city.

I love politics and Milan especially when they manage to mix ideals and concreteness, innovation and inclusion, social and environmental justice, curiosity and courage.

The president receives by appointment (write to email citizens on Thursdays from 10 to 30.

Updated: 02/12/2021