Referendum to repeal art.842 of the Civil Code, approved with Royal Decree of 16 March 1942 n.262, limited to: "Hunting and" heading

Referendum to repeal art.842 of the Civil Code, approved with Royal Decree of 16 March 1942 n.262, limited to: "Hunting and" heading

  • place

    Town Hall 6

  • date
    from 11 May 2023 to 18 Aug 2023
  • clockwise

Collection of signatures for the repeal of the art. 842 of the civil code, approved with Royal Decree of 16 March 1942 n. 262, limited to: “Hunting and” column with the following question:

“Do you want to repeal the art. 842 of the civil code, approved with Royal Decree of 16 March 1942 n. 262, limited to: "Hunting and" heading; first paragraph "The owner of a land cannot prevent entry for the purpose of hunting, unless the land is closed in the manner established by the law on hunting or there are crops in place susceptible to damage" and second paragraph " He can always oppose anyone who does not have a license issued by the authority”?

Monday to Friday from 10: 00 to 12: 00

at the protocol office or room no. 7

Updated: 26/07/2023