Arianna Curti

Vice President of Municipality 2 and Councilor for Education, School and School Buildings - Sport - Culture - Youth policies and relationship with the CAG - Home, Municipality spaces - Rights and equal opportunities

I am 25 years old and I was born and raised in Cassina de' Pomm, in Municipality 2.

I am enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University. I chose the penal-criminological branch because I have always been particularly interested in the fight against the mafia, but above all in life beyond bars, in the conditions of prisoners in prisons.

Alongside my commitment to legality and attention to penitentiary dynamics, I have added a growing interest in gender equality, volunteering especially as study support, teaching the Italian language to foreign people, together with the world of associations.

At 21 I approached politics concretely trying to do my part.

Today I carry out this project alongside the towns and citizens of Municipality 2.


Headquarters of the department and contacts: 
viale Zara, 100

Updated: 01/12/2021