

Milan, July 10 2023 - Forms available for collecting signatures relating to the following referendums and popular initiative bills:

  • Repeal of art. 19 Ter – coordination and transitional provisions Criminal Code (Special laws relating to animals) - expiry. 20.06.2023;
  • Repeal of article 842 of the Civil Code, approved with Royal Decree no. 16 of 1942 March 262, 1st and 2nd paragraphs - expiry. 20.06.2023;
  • Amendment of article 116 paragraph 3 of the Constitution, concerning the recognition of particular forms and conditions of autonomy to the Regions, and of art. 117, paragraphs 1-2-3, with the introduction of a supremacy clause of state law, and the transfer of some matters of concurrent legislative power to the exclusive legislative power of the State.

Present yourself at the Protocol Office in viale Zara 100 (1st floor - st. 11) - from Monday to Friday, from 14pm to 30pm - with a valid identity document.

Updated: 10/07/2023