

Milan 28 May 2021 - Disponibili i moduli per la raccolta firme relativa ai progetti di legge di iniziativa popolare:

  1. Modifica e semplificazione del sistema di formazione iniziale e accesso nei ruoli del personale docente nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado per garantire la valorizzazione sociale e culturale della professione;
  2. Amendment to articles 11 and 117 of the Constitution, concerning the introduction of the principle of Italian sovereignty with respect to the European Union system;
  3. Repeal of the second paragraph of article 59 of the Constitution to eliminate the appointment of senators for life appointed by the President of the Republic;
  4. Amendment to article 53 of the Constitution to insert the maximum limit of the overall tax burden;
  5. Amendments to articles 83,84,85,86 of the Constitution in order to allow the direct election of the President of the Republic by citizens voters.

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Updated: 11/01/2022