Milan Smart City Alliance

Milan Smart City Alliance

Milan, January 19 2024 - In coincidenza con il mese europeo della Sicurezza informatica è nato a Milano il portale online “Cyber ​​Secure City”, dedicated to information and training on IT security issues for citizens and for those who work in businesses and institutions.
It was created thanks to the Municipality of Milan and Assolombarda which, with the "Milan Smart City Alliance" initiative, has long collaborated closely with 12 companies for the development of the smart city and sustainable services accessible to all.
The portal offers a wide selection of free lessons for anyone who needs tools, updated information and basic or higher level skills on data protection, the risks of online browsing and the use of devices and applications: from phishing to the pitfalls of digital marketing, from online banking fraud to the rights and duties of digital citizens.
Sono presenti corsi dedicati agli studenti e agli over 65, percorsi in 15 lingue, tool rivolti ai professionisti e agli operatori d’impresa e della pubblica amministrazione, differenziati in base al livello di conoscenze. È possibile anche acquisire crediti formativi e certificazioni.

Smart city security depends on smart citizens. Every citizen can use "Cyber ​​Secure City" for a more conscious use of digital tools. 
Any company or institution can join the project by sharing and making available ideas and training content.

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Updated: 19/01/2024