Commissione paesaggio

Landscape commission. The Municipality opens the selection of members.

In carica per 3 anni, a titolo gratuito. Saranno chiamati ad esprimersi sul corretto inserimento degli interventi edilizi in coerenza con le norme paesaggistiche a tutela del territorio.

Milan, October 25 2021 - Aperta in data odierna, e fino al 9 novembre, la raccolta delle domande per la selezione degli 11 nuovi componenti della Commissione Comunale per il Paesaggio.

La Commissione (l’ultima nomina risale al novembre 2018) resta in carica tre anni a titolo gratuito ed è chiamata ad esprimere il proprio parere per il rilascio delle autorizzazioni paesaggistiche prestando particolare attenzione alla coerenza degli interventi con i principi e le norme vigenti e alla tutela del territorio, e per il corretto inserimento degli interventi edilizi in coerenza con le norme dello strumento urbanistico.

Candidates are required - in addition to training relating to the use, planning and management of land and landscape, building and urban planning, protection of architectural and cultural heritage, geological, natural, forestry, geographical and environmental sciences - qualified experience in the public sector or in the freelance profession.

The members will be appointed by the Mayor, after the evaluation and selection of the profiles by a specific Commission within the Administration.
Orders, Colleges and Professional Associations, Universities, Superintendencies, Associations, Municipal Councilors or other bodies representing Operators in the field of Territorial Development may propose one or more nominations.

“I thank the outgoing Commission – declares the councilor for Urban Regeneration Giancarlo Tancredi – for the work carried out in recent years and I hope that highly trained and experienced profiles will participate in the selection. The city attracts many projects and it is necessary to always guarantee respect for urban quality and protection of the landscape, not only in works with a great impact on the territory but also in those which concern small portions of the city districts".

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Updated: 11/01/2022