Youth information in Europe

Informagiovani are entities that provide information to young people on scholastic and professional training, work, culture, free time, mobility, local tourism, opportunities for volunteering, etc.

There are offices present in the most important European cities that we can contact if we want to go to live, study or work in another European country both before leaving and when we are in the chosen destination country.

If you want to know more you can talk to us

Book an interview

You can choose to carry out the interview online or on site.
Click and book

  • in person, at the new Informagiovani headquarters ex Toll booth in Piazzale Cantore 14 (Darsena area)
    - Tuesday and Wednesday 14pm-18pm
    - Thursday 16-18pm
  • courses
    - Monday and Wednesday 14pm-18pm

Info and contacts

  • tel. 02 884.68391
  • Email
  • the Youth Information space will be open at the following times: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 14-18pm; Tuesday 10-13/14-18