Financial education: next awareness meetings

Financial education: next awareness meetings

Quality financial education doesn't stop and accompanies you on holiday!

Would you like to understand how to spend better and save more? How to protect yourself from unforeseen events and unexpected costs? When will you be able to retire and how much will you need to live well? How much does it cost to educate a child?

The free Financial Education service of the Municipality of Milan accompanies us in managing our personal and family economy, helping us to put our resources in order, save more and thus achieve important life goals.

The Financial Education service is provided by quality financial educators, certified in accordance with UNI 11402, who will help you manage your personal economy and plan its future.

To understand how the service works, what it is about and get some first practical advice, sign up for one of the online awareness meetings scheduled for the next few weeks:

9 August 2022, from 18pm to 20pm

22 August 2022, from 18pm to 20pm

For more information on the Financial Education service visit the dedicated page:

Updated: 26/07/2022