Milan Women's Center - Activities

Milan Women's Center - Activities

Il Milan Woman Center of the Municipality 7, managed by the Waldensian Diaconia, is a place of aggregation, information and help dedicated to women. A "house" open to women.

The Center offers reception and orientation services useful in times of difficulty, opportunities for meeting and socialising, initiatives, cultural promotion and training courses aimed at women of all ages, from new mothers to girls looking for work and anything else necessary, in order to be a resource for women and their families to emerge from a crisis phase.

The Center promotes the participation of women and their well-being, to give concrete answers to different situations of fragility, to bring them closer to services and create a place where they can share time, interests, experiences and resources, including:

The Centro Milano Donna 7 offers free WiFi and workstations with or without a PC, upon reservation. The service is aimed solely at women and minors.


The Centro Milano Donna 7 offers free individual or group meetings, promoted by the Global Thinking Foundation ETS on:

-financial education (how to open a current account, what is the difference between a debit card and a credit card, how to open a VAT number, etc);

-gender equality (knowing your rights for greater freedom and independence, giving space to your identity);

-social inclusion.


From July 10th every Monday in July from 16pm to 30pm the Centro Milano Donna 7 organises, in collaboration with IRC and with the participation of Partizan Bonola Femminile and the street artist Piger, recreational afternoons with snacks offered in the via Fleming 19, for all ages. The activities include a first moment of redevelopment of the green space in front of the Milano Donna 7 Center through the tidying up and collection of waste and a second moment of reappropriation and valorisation of the space through artistic activities, all accompanied by background music.

For info and reservations

Phone: + 39 3358192047



Activity timetable

Visit the service page


Updated: 30/06/2023