Are you retired and need help paying the rent? Find out how to ask for the contribution dedicated to pensioners

Are you retired and need help paying the rent? Find out how to ask for the contribution dedicated to pensioners

by Milano Abitare editorial team

The notice from the Municipality of Milan for support in paying the dedicated rent is online to tenants with an income that comes exclusively from a work pension and who are in a condition of serious economic hardship, or particular vulnerability, for which the expense of the rent represents a charge exceeding 20% ​​of net income
The beneficiaries of the contribution are the families of elderly pensioners not in arrears and the contribution can only be used for the payment of future fees.
The contribution is paid directly to the owner and can have an amount maximum of €1.500,00 to accommodation/contract and is aimed at:
· to offset future rents by deducting them against the signing of the commitment not to increase the rent for 12 months;
· or to renew the contract under the same conditions, if expiring;
· or even to sign a new contract with an agreed fee, if expiring.
The notice is open and it is possible to submit the application as long as there are resources available.
To submit the application you must:
- be citizens resident in the Municipality of Milan;
- at least one member of the family unit must have been resident in the Lombardy Region for at least 5 years;
- live in rented accommodation with a rental contract on the free market or in accommodation assigned for use or in accommodation defined as Social Housing Services;
- Having a income that comes exclusively from a work/old-age/seniority pension and/or similar;
- not be in arrears and not be subjected to housing release procedures;
- not being in possession of adequate accommodation in the Lombardy Region;
- have a certificate ISEE less than or equal to €15.000,00;
- not being the holder of a rental contract that provides for the "future sale agreement" formula.
The grant application is submitted using the form you find HERE together with the required documentation. 
The form, completed and signed, can be sent:
1. by certified email (PEC) to the address
2. or it can be presented at the Milano Abitare office having first requested an appointment via email a;
3. sent by registered mail with return receipt to this address:
Social Agency for Rentals - Milano Abitare 
Via Felice Orsini,21 c/o Villa Scheibler
20157 Milan
To consult and download the notice CLICK HERE.
For information write to or call 0200707160
Monday and Thursday from 14pm to 00pm and Tuesday and Friday from 17am to 00pm

Updated: 01/07/2022