Theatrical show "TEMOLO: Xé qui che i ga copà to pare"

Theatrical show "TEMOLO: Xé qui che i ga copà to pare"

  • place

    Auditorium U12 - Guido Martinotti Bicocca, via Vizzola, 5 - 20126 Milan MI

  • date
    November 09 2022
  • clockwise
Theatrical show "TEMOLO: Xé qui che i ga copà to pare"

The R. Massa Department of Human Sciences for Education is pleased to host the theathral show dedicated to the memory of the anti-fascist Libero Temolo, told by his son, Sergio, and staged by QuintAssenza Theatre, with the contribution of Municipality of Milan “Milan is Memory”, in collaboration with the “Cooperative Theater", ANPI e ANED

Eleven children, a socialist watchmaker father, who is also a baker. The Graylings of Arzignano were a huge family, animated since the early years of the 20th century by ideals of justice and freedom. The story takes shape around Libero, the third of the eleven brothers, through the words of the true protagonist: Sergio, his son. From the human encounter with Sergio Temolo, Dino Vollaro's text was born, which leads the viewer through the incredulous eyes of a child, who acquire an increasingly aware gaze, to the heart of the protagonist's pain and his daily resistance.

They will introduce the show:

  • Prof. Mario Vergani, Deputy Director of the "Riccardo Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education;
  • Prof. Sergio Tramma and Prof Franca Zuccoli, University of Milan-Bicocca;
  • President Antonella Loconsolo e Mauro Oggioni, Anpi Pratocentenaro Section

 information write , promising

Scientific Committee: Lisa Brambilla, Francesca Oggionni, Marialisa Rizzo, Simone Romeo, Sergio Tramma, Franca Zuccoli. 

Entry is free with mandatory registration
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