Nedo, civil theater monologue - Pime Theatre

Nedo, civil theater monologue - Pime Theatre

  • place

    Pime Theater - Via Moses Bianchi, 94, 20149 Milan MI

  • date
    Jan 27 2023

The monologue of Teatro Civile Nedo is the result of an awareness: the Witnesses of the Deportations and the Shoah still alive are few and the time has now come for us to take charge of the Memory. Nedo is the story of the Jews and Anti-fascists forced to live the nightmare of persecution and deportation in cattle trucks, imprisoned in concentration and extermination camps, killed in gas chambers and burned in crematoria. But it is also the story of the Righteous who saved many lives and of those who survived hunger, the death of their loved ones, the horror of the camps and, despite the suffering and desperation experienced until the day of Liberation, found the strength to bear witness. because a society without memory is a lost society.

Production & Cast

The monologue of Teatro Civile Nedo is a production lasting 1 hour and a half.

Written by Alessandra Dondi, Alice Ponti, Matilde Dalla Piazza e Antonio Rome.
Directed by Antonio Rome.
Interpreted by Antonio Rome with Nicoletta Bellazzi.
Stage photography by Alice Ponti.

Sound and lights Philip Borgia.
Photography and poster graphic design Alessia Musio.
Costume designer Elena Passerini.