'The republic put to the test. Norms and practices of democratic institutions'. Lectio magistralis by prof. Guido Melis

'The republic put to the test. Norms and practices of democratic institutions'. Lectio magistralis by prof. Guido Melis

  • place

    University of Milan - Pio XII Hall

  • date
    21 apr 2022
  • clockwise

The University of Milan, through the Department of Historical Studies, with a lesson open to all citizens, remembers April 25th through a reflection on the Resistance as the central moment of a national and European identity of our society at the same time democratic. 

Will talk Guido Melis, already full professor of History of Institutions, on the functioning mechanisms of democratic institutions with a speech, in memory of Federico Chabod, entitled: "The republic put to the test. Norms and practices of democratic institutions".