An integrated platform for city resilience

​​​​​​​HARMONIA is a project that involves the creation and development of a support system to improve the resilience and sustainability of urban areas in relation to climate change and extreme events. It is therefore a matter of designing and developing a prototype Integrated Resilience Assessment Platform based on advanced modeling and Geoss tools.

The platform will use a range of existing Earth observation datasets, such as GEOSS, Copernicus, National Data Cubes, ESA TEP and other ESA services, integrated with ensemble models, socioeconomic and in situ data at spatial and temporal scales relevant to the urban environment. Furthermore, HARMONIA also wants to play an educational and inclusive role and for this reason aims to integrate citizens' perceptions within the platform using indicators of "perceived needs and perceived risks", to complement the set of technical-scientific data.

Specifically, HARMONIA will focus on two types of climate change (CC) effects:

● Natural and human-caused risks intensified by CC, including urban flooding, land degradation and geographical risks (landslides, earthquakes, ground deformations)

● Human-caused hazards, such as heat islands, urban heat flows, air quality, gas emissions.



The HARMONIA project and climate change

The prototype of this resilience assessment platform can be used by the municipality of Milan as a decision support tool regarding the quantification of the effects of climate change and will also be intended for agencies and all those bodies that have to do with urban planning and municipal territory.
The HARMONIA platform will also provide detailed information at the local neighborhood scale or street level.

This project, promoted by the Urban Resilience Directorate, fits synergistically within the actions of the Air and Climate Plan of the Municipality of Milan, in particular with regard to area 5 "Aware Milan: resilient citizens and businesses".

To involve citizens in the project, the Urban Resilience Directorate - Municipality of Milan has organized a three-day journey called:

If you want to participate, send an email to Milan Cambia Aria indicating your contact details.

In this first meeting, which will be held on Saturday 15/04 at 10.00 am, the European Harmonia project and its aims will be presented.

Furthermore, thanks to the participation of experts on topics such as air quality, heat flows, climate index, floods and hydrogeological danger, you will be provided with useful tools to understand how the climate is changing and impacting the city and you will discover how the commitments are reflected on the climate carried out by the administration.

The meeting place is at the Polytechnic University of Milan (Aula Castigliano), in Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci n.32.

Walk in the places of the city where you live every day to collect thoughts and share information on how the transformations in the city impact the climate and the lives of citizens. During the walk the experts will explain how certain solutions can improve the current urban planning situation and the best solutions to adopt to adapt to climate change in the areas visited.

The meeting place is at the Polytechnic University of Milan (Aula Castigliano), in Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci n.32.

The Harmonia project wants to know citizens' opinions and their approach to climate changes occurring in the city.

To help us, fill out the questionnaire (takes less than ten minutes of your time).