The InformAria journey has begun

The InformAria journey has begun

On Friday 3 March, the Panoramic Room of the Sforzesco Castle welcomed the approximately 50 citizens who responded to the InformAria call: companies, research bodies, institutions, associations and other citizens enthusiastically welcomed the challenge of being able to collaborate in the co-design of a prototype of technological solution to make information on air pollution more accessible and allow everyone to adopt more conscious lifestyles. 
After greetings from the Councilor for the Environment and Green Elena Grandi, representatives of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation and the Municipality of Milan detailed the background, motivations and phases of the call included in the European project MOSAIC (which is taking place in parallel in Gothenburg, the other pilot city, on the theme of Mobility) and how this activity fits into the path of implementation of the Air and Climate Plan.
The introductory part was followed by two working tables in which the participants exchanged ideas animatedly and passionately to identify the project lines to work on in the coming months.
For updates on the project follow the page InformAria.

Updated: 09/03/2023