MiG-Work Project - Youth Milan

Orientation desks

Volunteer Desk


  • 14/11/2022 - 31/10/2024
  • Online

Do you want to get involved and respond to the needs of your city? Do you want to volunteer but don't know in what area? Are you looking for an association near your home that welcomes volunteers?
The Volunteer Help Desk with the Association is at your disposal I want to volunteer to answer all your questions and guide you towards volunteering opportunities with two afternoon appointments each week.

To participate, if you haven't already done so you must access the platform with SPID or CIE and complete the registration. Then you can book the interview.


Detail information

The "Volunteering" desk offers orientation interviews to respond to the need of young people who intend to experiment with volunteering and active citizenship activities in Italy and abroad to learn about existing opportunities and to receive information and advice on how to take action.  

It is aimed at young people aged between 16 and 34. The interview takes place online via the Google Meet platform, lasts approximately 45 minutes and is available on Wednesday afternoons (from 17pm or 18pm) every two months. 

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