MiG-Work Project - Youth Milan

Orientation desks

There are many of our guidance offices to concretely support the young generations under 35 in Milan in their choices of educational, professional and active citizenship paths. To discover the branch or branches best suited to you ask for an interview with one of our operators.

Why Participate


Starting from the first interview with one of our tutors, you will be able to find out about the tools you need to start your search in the world of work, a new course of study or change school or job. But also start a personal project or dedicate yourself to volunteering.


Understanding what you really want is not always a given. The counselors of our partner organizations will help you understand your aspirations, enhance your skills and learn to connect them with the needs of the job market.


Do you have a clear objective and are you informed about the tools to use? We help you plan the steps of your path, what experiences you need to integrate your skills, how to orient your job search. Or how to successfully start your business project.

Who they are dedicated to

The guidance offices are dedicated to all young people between the ages of 14 and 35 who are in a transition or personal crisis phase; for searching for the most suitable school or study path, for looking for a job or for changing a situation that no longer corresponds to one's needs. 

Who provides the branches and with what skills

Our partner organizations are serious and reliable and have been working for years in their respective areas of expertise: AFOL, Comunità Nuova, Isolachenonc'è, Formaper, ALA Milano, Giostra. They will put at your disposal qualified professional figures such as counselors, guidance counselors, labor market and scouting experts, consultants for youth entrepreneurship and self-employment.

How to participate

STEP 1: Log in to the platform

If you don't know how to do it, go to the page STARTER KIT.

STEP 2: Book the interview with the operator

The interview is used to listen to your needs and guide you towards the activities best suited to you. The tutor that will be assigned to you will agree with you the subsequent route and book you for participation in the orientation desks or any workshops or courses. 

STEP 3: Contact your tutor at any time

Your tutor will remain at your disposal for any need. In your personal file you will find his direct contacts. You will also see the list of activities you have already participated in. On your private homepage you will also be able to see all the other initiatives you can ask to participate in, already selected based on your profile. Finally in the section Educational materials (accessible from the pop-up menu at the top) you will find documents, presentations, links and useful information. 

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