MiG-Work Project - Youth Milan


Youth information is the service of the Municipality of Milan dedicated to supporting young generations struggling with the choice of their educational, professional and active citizenship path. The platform GiovaniMilano.it is dedicated to young people between the ages of 14 and 35 who, after accessing the reserved area and with the support of a dedicated operator, will be able to participate in the many orientation and training initiatives, all completely free, carried out in collaboration with a network of partners. The Informagiovani is open to the public in the new headquarters in Piazzale Cantore 14 (ex Toll booth) at the following times:
- Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 14pm-18pm
- Tuesday 10-13/14-18

Furthermore, the Municipality of Milan supports the project MiG Work - Unexpected paths for adults of the future, dedicated to boys and girls aged 14 to 18 who need listening, support and stimulation to become more aware of themselves and their life, study or work choices. To participate, you can access this platform and pre-register for one of the numerous initiatives published in the section Workshops & Courses, or contact the organizers directly. 

For those between 18 and 30 who need to clarify their ideas about their future and look for opportunities to gain experience, develop their skills, learn a trade or be helped in their job search, it is possible to visit the project website GeCo - Connection Generation.

Workshops & Courses

Our group workshops are designed to help you define and implement your professional project, starting from a reflection on your aptitudes and what you want to do and what you really like, acquiring new transversal skills ("soft skills") and/or or enhancing the ones you already have. We also periodically organize training courses to acquire skills in specific areas.

Do you want to find out how it works?

The Starter KIT, with useful information to start your journey, is at your disposal


How we work


Youth information works together with a large network of public and private organizations and services that operate in Milan on the topics of scholastic and professional orientation, support for job placement, entrepreneurship, international youth mobility, volunteering and learning, above all in a non-formal context. The goal is to progressively widen this network, integrating it with further services and opportunities.


All this was born with the aim of gathering the best city forces, in a logic of integrated services, to support young people in the various stages of transition to adult life, to overcome loneliness, disorientation, discouragement and, sometimes, the lack of adequate references. Or, when the objectives are clear, provide the tools that are missing to achieve them. Or even, simply, that little piece of information that makes the difference.


With our partners we started from the idea that no story is the same as another, every person is UNIVERSITY OF CAGLIARI. What we intend to offer is not a pre-packaged "package" of services but paths that are as "tailored" as possible to the young people who want to turn to us, with their different characteristics, needs and urgencies. For this reason this platform does not provide direct registration for initiatives but a preliminary conversation to listen and build a personalized itinerary, with one of our operators/tutors.

Get ready for the world of work, join GIOVANIMILANO

Sign up and book an interview with our tutors to build your completely free personalized orientation/learning path together


The Partners involved

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