DIGITAL VOUCHER children 0-18. In WeMi Spaces we help you submit your application.

DIGITAL VOUCHER children 0-18. In WeMi Spaces we help you submit your application.

From 11/05/2022 to 07/06/2022 it is possible to submit the application for digital vouchers.

If you are in difficulty, all WeMi Spaces can help you fill out the application. Search for the most convenient WeMi Space for you:

I digital vouchers they are virtual credits worth between €100 and €400 (in relation to the ISEE) that families with children aged 0 to 18 can use to access various types of health and support services and interventions in the different stages of growth (educational, sporting, creative-cultural, scientific-mathematical and technological).

The voucher will be expendable until July 31, 2023.


Updated: 11/05/2022